Monday, November 23, 2009

ugh, its been a while

so its been a few since i came 'round.... life it seems has felt like dragging me behind it. almost like if you were sitting on a trashcan lid, tied by a rope to the back of a race car, going down lombard street in san francisco. yeah, that sounds about right...
the holidays are fast approaching, not sure how to feel about them just yet. it will be the first time in YEARS i haven't hosted a holiday for my family. my BABY brothers are doing both. i'm a control freak and the cook of the family. to be powerless on what will be consumed on thanksgiving and christmas is leaving me feeling not-so-great. but i'm trying to be a good sport and just let it roll. i'll just hover near the counter til the baby brother cry for big sissy's help with something or they become so frustrated, that they hand over the kitchen to me. but this is their first year and they are excited so i have to give them a sporting chance. even though we can all agree, as the old saying goes- if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. i live by this, probably enough in a night of drunken stupor i'd get it inked on my bu-hind, haha. but seriously, i really hope they don't dry out the turkey- maybe i should bring a spare???

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

all the way down

when i'm in a car i am the kind of person who loves the radio blaring and the windows down, all down if possible. on my way to the store last night weather conditions permitted a perfect wind in your hair experience. a nice 68 degrees, dry, lightly breezy, and the local radio station just seeemed to know what i was wanting to hear. like i said.... perfect.

i know its crazy, it was maybe a five minute ride, including the red light i had to pause at, but it was awesome, the air at your face forcing you to take deep breaths and in between belting out random lines and lyrics from your favorite tune at the top of your lungs, not giving a shit if the weird bald man picking his nose behind his "invisi-glass" is staring at you like you're the strange one.

it was a five minute bliss about not caring what the world or who was in it thought about me or what i was doing- and it felt amazing

it's the little things... definitely the little things :)