Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One precious year zooms by...

Today my littlest princess turns one year old. i can't believe how fast it came and went. i'm so excited to see what the new year has in store for her, how much she will experience. however, i'm sad to see the past year fade behind me. the first year is filled with so much growing, so many milestones- not that she won't have that in her second year but there's something so special and wonderous about the first.
She is my last, and for that i am sad to see it rush by. it seems to have gone faster this time round than it did with my first. but, i won't drag my feet or cry (too much anyway) because i want to be there, holding her hand as she grows and becomes more and more into the person she's meant to be. i can't do that if i'm too busy focusing on all that has gone by.
So here's to my Pishi Princess Punkin- Happy Birthday Love, Mommy adores you so much :)

Monday, January 11, 2010


late last night i sprawled on the couch and channel-surfed til i came across one of my favorite, cheesy, love story movies- serendipity.... i love this film, in all its nauseating, happily ever after glory. i try with all my might to be a realist, learning alot growing up and all that happy endings and forever to be's are for the most part- a crock of shit, only happening to the few fortunate, for whatever reasons... but when i see films like this the romantic in me wants to leap out and dance in a field of daisies with arms waving, singing air supply songs in the warm sun, lol.

this movie in particular, makes you want to think about the what ifs, even with someone you only had a moment with. some would say its holding onto the past, an inability to look forward. but my question is- if it was so friggin fantastic- why the hell would you want to steer towards something different. its like a favorite restaurant or clothing, if its what suits you best, makes you feel amazing, makes you smile- won't you drive that extra hour just to get a bite of that perfect meal, or make a weekend trip to go to the city with that particular clothing store so you can get that perfect pair of jeans?

if its so acceptable to do it for pants or a perfect steak, why is it considered so absurd to do it for love?

love. something that we all humans crave, need, want, whatever. isn't that worth MORE than the clothes or the food?

there's a part in the movie that totally brings me to tears every single time, because i, like i know many of you have felt this way.

"...i've just spent the entire flight staring into the sky, thinking
not about my fiance, but about this mystery guy
i met a million and a half hours ago
a guy i don't even remember, except for this vague picture i still have in my head
it was just a few seconds, a fragment really....
and it was like, in that moment, the whole universe just existed to bring us together.
thats why i'm here...."

ugh!.... gets me everytime.

you know reading this you have that one person in mind. that one person who you may have known for a couple weeks, or maybe a couple minutes, but somewhere deep inside you is was sending fireworks to your head and your heart for those small moments all was right. your soul had found its niche. maybe you are fortunate reading this knowing that one person who made you feel this way is near you, with you. others may be reading this that have not had it yet. and for those like myself who
can still picture their smile in your head,
can still feel the electricity in your fingers when your hands touched..
have to actively make yourself stop thinking about them, rather than remind yourself to give them any thought
oh yeah...... i've been there- hell i'm there.

friggin movie..... lol