Tuesday, December 8, 2009

ring, ring, ring....

its amazing how a ring can change so many things. it can change events, a mood, life all together. no, i'm not talking about the bright and shiny round one (though it does to an extent). a phone ring, a call from someone, somewhere- and in an instant your entire being can be altered...

crazy right?

yeah... i thought so too- when i actually took the time to think about it today...

i mean really, think of the things that one can here on the phone:

"it's a girl"
"i'm not coming back"
"we're gonna have a baby"
"i got the job"
"i love you"
"it's over"
"he's not gonna make it"
"i'm in jail"

you get the idea.

some days you dread the chiming of that phone wanting to submerge it in the soapy water of the kitchen sink or throw it under a moving train. other days you find it attached to your hand, ready to answer with every ounce of anxiousness humanly possible. catching yourself picking it up even when there was no sound made because you were "just checking".

oi vey- the phone...

it can be where some start their lives with another- or end it. to be truthful, it seeems the more phones we have in the world, the more i see the latter.

the phone can be a window into a person's world. who they talk to, what they say, like, dislike and so on... it can be a place where they have things they want just for themselves, only their eyes. a place where they keep memories, whether through pictures stored or simply a recollection of the long conversations, laughs and cries they have had.

ugh- that damn phone.......

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