Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Way I See Love

love isn't a length of time. its not how many facts you know about a person's past. it's not about who they were or where they are from.

love is a feeling of selflessness, complete humility, for the sake of the one being loved. the willingness to give your all and everything you hope to be for the happiness of the other. to see their eyes light up in amazement that they could be adored so much by another human being. love is not getting enough of seeing them smile, being content witht he world watching them sleep. looking into their eyes and nothing else matters. love is something you feel, something you do.

love has no expiration date, no time limit, no maturity level. it sees no boundaries, it is the ultimate emotion that allows us to cross those lines blindly that otherwise, we wouldn't think twice about crossing. it gives us the courage to take the risks and take chances regardless of consequence. the prices we pay for acting on love can at times be great, but no matter- we still take them. because nothing else but love can cause such a rush in our hearts, our heads, and souls. its rarity when it shows true is what makes it so valuable, what makes us hold on with all we've got, and why we give our damndest to keep it. to keep the euphoria love puts us in, as if a high we don't want to come down from. what love, all the good and bad, can do to a person makes it the ultimate drug. what other emotion makes one willing to open up and become so vulnerable to hurt, to pain. its not the love that hurts so much as the consequences for falling into it. love isn't planned, scheduled, or timed out. its something that pulls from deep inside when one is able to sneak past every source of defense your heart has made by something as small as a laugh, a look. realizing love can happen in 2 seconds or it can take 2 years. whatever time it takes- it makes no difference to the strength it has or how it fills you. it still gives you the same rush once it is found or brought out by a special someone. the drive to find love gives us the ability to search out the unexpected instead of settling for the familiar, the safe zone. you don't decide when love will happen, the choice isn't yours to make. however what you do when you find it, is.

love is great but comes seldom. it is to be prized and recognized for all its worth, what it is capable of. we only live once and experiencing love is the greatest thing we can do as life passes.

love and act on love as if the chance may be your last. you never know- it just may be.

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